8-12 years (Senior)

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Acting, Singing and Dancing all in one class at Mayhem

Our Musical Theatre Workshops provide students with the opportunity to participate in an acting, singing and dancing class all in the same session and then experience the thrill of bringing all three elements together for a public performance. So ,if you just love every aspect of performing, this is the perfect choice for you.

Senior Workshop. 8 – 12 years. Saturdays 12.30pm – 3.30pm.
Sessions involve rotating around the three classes, Acting, Singing and Dancing, with each session lasting 55 minutes. Students are challenged on a range of different material from musicals past and present. Classes focus on students fusing all three disciplines together to create exciting, believable and skilled performances for public viewing.
Watch a video clip of our Senior Workshop in action HERE


If you would like to become involved in the unique and exciting world of Musical Theatre, call us today 01992465100


Download Our Timetable

• September 1, 2014

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