4-7 Years (Junior)

Acting, Singing and Dancing all in one class at Mayhem

Our Musical Theatre Workshops provide students with the opportunity to participate in an acting, singing and dancing class all in the same session and then experience the thrill of bringing all three elements together for a public performance. So, if you just love every aspect of performing, this is the perfect choice for you.


Junior Workshop. 4 – 7 years. Saturdays 10.00am – 12.00pm.

Classes start with an energetic musical warm up, involving movement, voice and imagination. Students are then divided into 3 age groups where they rotate around 3 x 35 minute classes of Acting, Singing and Dancing. The emphasis is always on encouraging creativity, building confidence and developing key skills whilst having bundles of fun! Each year, students appear in a  full-scale musical production for family and friends in a local professional theatre. Speaking, listening, rhythm, co-ordination, musicality, storytelling and communication are just a few of the many topics covered.


Download Our Timetable

• September 1, 2014

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